So i have been unable to update due to a few technical difficulties this week. I promise that the blog will be back up and running properly by wednesday. That is all i can disclose at the moment.
To keep you all at bay, to keep you all from getting upset, and most importantly to keep you all hearing good music, here are some tracks. I recommend to many to head over to Kidz by Colette and get their posts, "Eric Prydz - Pjanoo (Fred Falke Remix" and "Kid CuDi NYC mixtape release".
In other news, people should also get on youtube and check out Sebastian Leger's recent experience in Croatia at the 'Creamfields - Central Europe Festival'. An "apocalyptic storm" hit the festival in the middle of his set and he managed, along with a few others to capture the event on camera. A hint, look for the video of the view from the crowd, and check the massive pole with material on it that falls down an axes him on the decks. HECTIC SHIT.
Oxia vs. Ginos and Snake - Seven *ALL REMIXES* -
Robert Babicz - Procast/Buffer Expander EP -